Climate presentation in your community are an exceptional way to spread the word about climate change and to show that you care. It demonstrates that you are active, attentive, and ready to fight climate change head on. Here is how you do that:
Find a topic. What climate topic interests you the most? Is it plastic pollution? Big Oil? Frontline communities? Air Pollution? Climate Denial? Climate Justice? Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you think that you can speak personally about. Presentations are especially powerful if you can speak from the heart and from your own experience with climate change.
Make your presentation. You can use Google Slides, Prezi, Canva, Powerpoint, etc. and prepare your slides. Make sure to include pictures and minimal words. There should be enough on the slide to make sense, but try not to read directly from the slide.
Choose your venue. Where do you want to talk about this topic? Your school community? Online? Local library? To your government officials? Choosing your location helps you tailor the content to your audience and can help personalize it as well.
Contact! Contact whomever your are giving your presentation to with a polite email or other form of communication that they prefer. Start with an introduction, why you want to give the presentation, and if they are available to meet with you. Be polite, flexible, and prepared that they might not always say yes.
Practice! Once you have corresponded and arranged a date, make sure that you practice! If you have given presentations before for school or work, identify if you need to work on anything. Is it volume? Eye contact? Hand movement? Whatever it may be, you can practice to make yourself more confident. You can also practice in front of people you are comfortable with like your family, friends, significant other, or even your pet!
Take pride! This can be before or after your presentation (or both!), but remember to take pride in yourself for all that you have accomplished! You showed your community that you care about fighting for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future, and that is a big deal!
If you have any questions about climate presentations, email us at!